COVID-19 Daily Update: April 24, 2020

COVID-19 Daily Update: April 24, 2020

REOPENING CA: “We need to make sure the science is driving these decisions” 

Our Facebook Live session yesterday took up a crucial question: How do we ensure that our state reopens safely and smartly to minimize infections and deaths?

We were joined by Kaiser Permanente’s Chief Community Health Officer Dr. Bechara Choucair, who is an expert in the community spread of infectious disease. Dr. Choucair made clear that science and data must drive all decisions about reopening our state — and that we need the necessary PPE and testing before we can safely lift stay-at-home orders.

Our fellow SEIU-UHW members on the panel — Debru Carthan (Kaiser Modesto) and Yudis Cruz (Cedars Sinai) — confirmed that we do not have either the PPE or the testing we need and agreed that our state simply cannot go back to “business as usual” until we address these shortages.


POLL: Overwhelming Majority Says It’s Too Soon to Reopen

Nearly 3,000 people have weighed in on our poll asking if California should start reopening — and the vast majority of us say it’s too soon. The poll results and comments show that we recognize the economic importance of lifting stay-at-home orders, but that we need to do so based on science and safety.

Check out the poll results and comments on Facebook.


NEWS ALERT: “We risk our lives on a daily basis — and this is how they repay us?”

Stanford Health Care’s way of saying “thank you” to healthcare workers who are putting our lives on the line is furloughs and pay cuts.

Check out this news article and video featuring Stanford worker and SEIU-UHW leader Linda Cornell speaking passionately about the harm this move will cause workers and patients.

Stay tuned for more on this developing situation — we need to join together and call out hospitals who betray the healthcare workers on the frontlines of this pandemic.



Several federal health and safety agencies have released COVID-19 updates and resources that are directly relevant to us:


Center for Disease Control (CDC): Guidance on Extended Use of N95 Masks

The CDS has expanded on its existing guidance of extended use of N95 respirators, saying that a single mask should not be worn for longer than 8 to 12 hours — and that if an N95 mask is used for an extended time period, it should not be decontaminated and reused.

The CDC has produced these valuable guides on respirator masks:

FAQ About Respirator Protection

Three Factors Required for a Respirator to be Effective

Additional CDC Resources


The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS): Toolkit of Resources

The new HHS COVID-19 Workforce Virtual Toolkit includes topics like changes in licensure, matching volunteers to suitable roles, safety training for frontline workers, and federal regulatory changes.

Click here to check out this HHS Toolkit.


National Institute of Health (NIH): COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

The NIH has developed a set of COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines that will evolve as the studies continue to come in. This represents the NIH’s first actual stand on COVID-19 treatment guidance.

Click here to see these NIH guidelines.


IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Lodging, Childcare, Testing & More

All L.A. Frontline Workers to Get Tested

As of yesterday, all healthcare workers in Los Angeles will be able to get tested for the coronavirus whether or not they exhibit symptoms.

ATTENTION KAISER MEMBERS — Temporary Housing Available

Kaiser members have negotiated a strong temporary housing benefit: hotel lodging for those of us working at least 20 hours per week (including per diems) who have been exposed to COVID-19 or who are working long shifts.

Click here to learn more about this benefit and how to apply.



Check out our resources page for all the support available to us, including no-cost and low-cost housing, childcare, priority shopping access at grocery stores, CEU deadline extensions, financial support, testing locations, safety protocols, and lots more.