WE ARE CAREGIVERS — And We’re Taking a Stand for Our Patients & Communities
We stand with our fellow healthcare workers across the country by rejecting calls to let our communities return to “business as usual” prematurely. We’re still facing way too many infections and deaths, PPE and testing shortages, and overcrowded hospitals. We will not let the anger and recklessness of a small minority of Americans put more lives on the line.
Show your ongoing commitment to safety across our state and nation — like and retweet this image.
This new LA Times article, featuring our fellow SEIU-UHW member Andrea Tuma, captures the “danger and anxiety” so many of us are facing on the frontlines everyday — and supports our conviction that we cannot loosen stay-at-home orders too early.
VIDEO: We Demand Safety
Respiratory therapists across our union are demanding PPE and a stronger voice on the job as we fight this pandemic:
Let’s all take action for the equipment we need to lead our state through this crisis: Click here to let Congress and the Trump administration know that we demand PPE!
SEIU-UHW has partnered with Carina Care, an online matching service that’s connecting us to unionized, licensed childcare providers near our homes. Carina Care has given us a link — only available to SEIU-UHW members — to give us priority for childcare. Click here to get started.
ALERT: Major Resources for Healthcare Workers and Our Families
Be sure to keep up with the newly-updated, ever-expanding list of resources available to us as SEIU-UHW members — including our new Airbnb partnership for no-cost lodging, other temporary housing, childcare, financial support, testing locations, safety protocols, and lots more.