Healthcare workers holding "Hands Off Medicaid" signs.
In order to pay for big tax cuts for billionaires the Trump administration and Republican leaders are threatening to make deep cuts to Medicaid funding, jeopardizing healthcare coverage and access for over 81 million Americans, which would result in needless suffering, illness, and death. This is a direct threat to our jobs as healthcare workers and to the patients we care for.

Cuts to Medicaid are not Supported by voters — including Republican voters: Over 77% of Americans, including 63% of Republicans, support Medicaid. Here’s why:

Medicaid saves lives: More than 81 million Americans, including seniors, children, and people with disabilities rely on Medicaid for care. In California, 38% of residents rely on Medi-Cal — that’s 15 million people.

Medicaid is vital for seniors: Over 18 million Americans aged 50 and up rely on Medicaid for long-term care and Medicare gap coverage, including 60% of nursing home residents. Without Medicaid, seniors would lose access to critical services like transportation and essential medical equipment.

Medicaid supports children: Nearly half of all U.S. children are covered by Medicaid, ensuring they receive vital preventive care. Forty percent of births in America are covered by Medicaid.


Reducing Medicaid funding would mean:

Cuts to healthcare jobs. Slashing Medicaid would mean deep cuts for hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The staffing shortages we already face would get much worse. Some hospitals and clinics that depend heavily on Medi-Cal revenue would likely be forced to close.

Longer wait times and denial of care. With less workers, less facilities, and no funding for care, patients would face longer wait times or be turned away from getting care.

Higher costs for everyone. Health insurers would be hit with increased costs which they would pass on to our employers and all of us. That means higher premiums and costs for our care.


More information

Stop Cuts to Medicaid fact sheet with frequently asked questions.


Take Action

Contact your legislator to demand they vote NO on cuts to Medicaid