Immigration Know Your Rights Quiz

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Cuestionario de Inmigración Conozca Sus Derechos

Aprenda cómo protegerse a sí mismo y a su comunidad.

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Building Trust in Healthcare: A Checklist for Supporting Workers and Patients

More than 1 in 4 Californians – 10+ million people – are immigrants, making the state one of the most thriving, culturally-rich states in the country. Federal policies and
enforcement practices under the first Trump administration led many immigrant families in California to feel deterred from using healthcare facilities because of fear that doing so would provoke immigration enforcement actions or other negative immigration consequences. Those fears are renewed again under a second Trump administration.

To address these concerns, the California Values Act (SB 54) was enacted in 2017 to minimize the involvement of public institutions, including healthcare facilities, in immigration enforcement. In 2024, the California Attorney General issued updated model policies to guide healthcare facilities in complying with these laws and fostering a safe, inclusive environment for all.

Download the Labor Management Checklist to:

  • Build trust with workers and patients.
  • Effectively implement the Attorney General’s model policies.
  • Create a welcoming, compliant, and secure healthcare environment.

Access the Labor Management Immigration checklist