Clinic Workers Can:

  • Talk about forming a union while at work, just as you would other topics such as vacations, your children, or favorite movies
  • Read or distribute materials about forming a union during breaks, meal periods, and before and after work in non-work areas (e.g., break room, cafeteria)
  • Sign and/or ask co-workers to sign union cards or petitions during breaks, meal periods, and before and after work. Cards or petitions can be signed anywhere except areas where patients receive treatment (un-less clinic has a preexisting rule that prohibits any solicitation in work areas)
  • Attend meetings about the union
  • Talk with each other and the public about staffing, pay, benefits, and other conditions at your work clinic

Management Cannot:

  • Prohibit workers from talking about the union if you are allowed to talk about other topics
  • Ask you whether you support forming a union
  • Engage in surveillance of union supporters or activities
  • Harass or intimidate workers for supporting a union
  • Ask workers to remove union items such as buttons and pens (unless clinic has a preexisting rule that prohibits items in patient care areas that is enforced against all types of items).
  • Prohibit workers from sharing information about staffing, pay, benefits, and other conditions at your clinic
  • Implement new restrictions designed to interfere with forming a union, such as preventing workers from returning to their workplace on their day off.
  • Threaten employees with adverse consequences, such as closing the workplace, loss of benefits, or more onerous working conditions, if they support a union, engage in union activity, or select a union to represent them.
  • Promise employees benefits if they reject the union.