In compliance with Article XXII of the Constitution and Bylaws, a secret ballot election, conducted by mail, beginning on February 27, 2023, and ending on March 20, 2023, for the SEIU-UHW Executive Board: All members will vote to elect a President, a Vice-President, and eight (8) members of the Executive Committee, elected union-wide. Within each of UHW’s two divisions (Hospitals and Kaiser), members will also vote to elect:
If you haven’t received your ballot, you can request a replacement by calling the election hotline at 209-259-6740 or by sending an email to [email protected]. In order to expedite the process of getting a replacement, please provide your full name, home address, facility you work at, and phone number in the email.
Edith Hurtado, Kaiser San Francisco
David Luna, Kaiser Panorama City
Khyla Wilson Junior, West Oakland Health Council
Warren Torrence, Jr., Dignity Health Medical Foundation
Christina Ferreira, Twin Cities Community Hospital
Juan Buenrostro, Providence St. Joseph Medical Center
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 510-869-2222