Sharp executives claim that investing in people is a top priority, but reality tells a different story. It wasn’t until we organized into a union that they started giving us across-the-board raises. And when the new healthcare worker minimum wage law was getting passed, they fought tooth and nail against it. But now that it is becoming law, they claim credit for it.

The fact is that the low pay at Sharp is what’s driving turnover and short staffing. In the last few years, San Diego has become one of the most expensive places in the country to live, and frankly, our wages have not kept up.

Who are they investing in? Our CEO. His pay has increased 43% in the last few years. If that’s what Sharp thinks “investing in their workforce” means, we’ve got to show them how wrong they are.

As Sharp continues to drag its feet and slow-walk our bargaining process, we must stick together to fight for our demands of:

  1. One union, one contract
  2. Life-changing pay increases
  3. Fully paid and comprehensive family healthcare
  4. Improved retirement security

Reach out to a union leader and sign the pledge to secure the contract we deserve!